Renewable Energy Fund

REF Funding – What is it and where does it come from?

Renewable Energy Funding or REF as it is often referred to, is money that comes from renewable energy developments such as windfarms within the South Lanarkshire area.

Who is it for and how much can be applied for?

It is for community groups that are looking for money to assist in funding small based community projects. Groups can apply for up-to £5000.

What type of projects would be eligible?

Upon successful application, funding support will be provided for Capital Projects that meet specific criteria. Further details, on qualifying priorities can be accessed by clicking on this linkto view the full REF document courtesy of South Lanarkshire Council.

How do I know if my group is eligible?

Your Group must 
       have a project within a 10km radius of a renewable energy development
       have a constitution
       have an equal opportunities statement/policy
       have a bank account which requires 2 signatories
       have at least 3 unrelated people on their committee

How do we go about applying?

For grants up to £5000, you would apply as an organisation / group to the “Developing Local Communities Fund ” DLCF.
Contact Details can be found at this link